Sunday, August 19, 2012

Rainy Days

It's amazing what a few months will do. I'm all about positive thinking. I have a tendency to aggravate my friends when I post 'motivational & funny' photos on facebook*. But a few months ago (back in February to be exact) I really had to practice what I preach.
Things had been a bit crazy**. To put it bluntly we were broke, alone and I had just broke my wrist. Not just any break, I needed surgery. I had never broken anything nor had surgery and coming from someone who doesn't deal well with pain this was very frightening. I do remember my worst fear after breaking my wrist was how am I going to style my hair***? And how will I fasten my bra in the morning****? On a more serious note I also realized that I was lucky to have had insurance when it happened and that it could of been a lot worse.
Life was hectic and a huge struggle. Then came some more news. My man (we'll just call him B) got a job offer. A job offer that we couldn't turn down. A job offer that had him away from our home, but still a great job offer. So B went for it. He was out of town and we didn't know when we would see each other but he was happy and I was happy for him. With our relationship relying on phone calls and text messages we quickly became amazing communicators. It was nice to hear the excitement in each others' voices when we would have our daily phone convo.
Then came the decision to move to be together. I had been through so much with my tight-knit work family that I couldn't bare the thought of leaving but I knew deep down I had to move forward for my family (B & my little cat). We decided to move out of our broke, alone and (almost healed) wrist situation and thanks to some very wonderful friends and family we were able to do it*****. We were luckily both able to immerse ourselves in work that we not only loved but we found incredibly fulfilling. We were also able to move into a wonderful neighborhood where everyone was so welcoming and interested in the 'Kiwi' from Ohio and her WVU proud B******.
It's been about 4 months since we moved (our '180') and I am so glad that things have changed for the better. I am so in love with my boyfriend, my job & my life (oh and my cat!) I think the biggest decision I had to make when everything seemed unattainable, was do I let this get the better of me or do I keep on keeping on and maybe I'll learn from it? Believe me, it almost got the better of me, but I never doubted that things would only get better. I laughed when things totally overwhelmed me and took one day at a time. And I don't know if it's because I grew up in rainy Auckland, New Zealand or if it's the soothing sound of rain at night but whenever it rains and everyone is complaining, I'll usually have a goofy grin on my face. Which also might be why my favorite saying is 'I like people who smile when it's raining.'
* My friends don't actually confront me about my posts but sometimes (especially Monday morning)even I know I'm a little too chipper. ** Crazy is an understatement *** My boyfriend became an 'expert' hair stylist **** Also my boyfriend - quote 'I'm used to taking these off, not putting them on' ***** You all know who you are :) ****** Not everyone is interested but you get the picture