Sunday, October 28, 2012

some things change ... but not by much

I spent 4 days in NYC last week. NYC is a superb place to visit and for the past couple of years it's become the place I go to see my friends and family when they visit the US of A! In NYC you never have to worry about 'what to do'... lots of walking (so plenty of time to catch up), tons of tourist spots (to keep you entertained) and plenty of places to eat and drink (just in case it all gets too much!)*
Over the past, oh I don't know ... 8 years, one of my very best friends and I, have not been in the same country at the same time. That's just what happens in your 20's!** So when she said she was visiting NYC I jumped at the chance to see her (and meet her fiance and 2 of her other friends!) So off I went last week to NYC full of excitement! It was pouring the rain when I arrived, which I really dig***. So I sorted out an umbrella and started exploring by myself, as my friend (whom I hadn't seen in 8 years) wasn't arriving until later that night.
I got up early**** the next morning to head to Times Square and meet my friend (whom I hadn't seen in 8 years). I felt myself getting nervous. Like REALLY nervous. What if we were completely different now? What if she couldn't understand my NewZealand/WestVirginia/Ohio/NorthCarolina accent?***** What if we didn't laugh at the same things? eeeeeeeeeeeek! Shaking off my nerves I got on the Subway. My phone beeped. 'We are on the red steps.' A text from her. OH MY GOD. What if I don't recognize her? Nerves are back. I didn't bring my glasses with me. I am going to look ridiculous squinting into the crowd at the bottom of the red steps without my glasses ... looking for someone who MIGHT NOT LOOK THE SAME!!! GREEEEAT! Did I say nerves are back? I approach the red steps. I can feel my heart beating in my chest. I peer into the crowd****** and I begin searching for a familiar face. She jumps up calling my name and waving and I let out a huge sigh of relief. I run up the stairs and give her a big hug. ... she looks exactly the same! Yay! AND then the tears started! Yep I'm slightly strange. I don't cry at goodbyes (ever), I cry at hellos!
With the 'meeting' out of the way I started to really enjoy myself. Over the next couple of days I had the best time with not only my friend (whom I hadn't seen in 8 years) but also her fiance and their wonderful friends. So had anything changed? Yep, a few things. Yes, she could definitely hear my NewZealand/WestVirginia/Ohio/NorthCarolina accent but we only had one communication breakdown the entire time! We still laughed at the same things (the 2 buses that broke down for example). And yes we had changed, but not much. One - I am not very good on a bike anymore*******.
And two - she has become an awesome travel agent. She's always been great to go on vacation******** with but I could tell that her career has made her REALLY great! Even though she hadn't been to NYC before she knew all the places to go (and some of the most inexpensive *********.)
I had a moment about 30 minutes after I meet her at those red steps. We were on the bus********** and we were laughing, and I thought 'Wow, has it really been 8 years?' It felt like just yesterday we were laughing about the same things and I smiled. You have friends that you know for a short while. And you have friends you know for a long while. And then you have those friends that you can pick up right where you left off. Coz some things will change ... but not by much.
* Just to clarify I don't have annoying friends or family. Well any that I'd tell you about! ** I've decided. I might write a blog about it *** Read my previous blog titled 'Rainy Day's - I love rain (a little too much) **** 10am (early for vacation) ***** I've moved a lot the past 8 years and yes my accent has suffered from it ****** NOT FUN! FYI everyone that is sitting on the Red Steps is staring at YOU! ******* Note to self: purchase a bike, don't wear a dress & practice riding bike ******** 'Holiday' for everyone outside of USA ********* $12 dinner, in an amazing restaurant in Manhattan! ********** before the first bus broke down

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