Saturday, March 3, 2018

Ed Sheeran's cat ... or my cat?

My cat ‘Kiwi’ & Ed Sheeran’s cat look the same …
(or they just sleep the same?)
Can you tell who belongs to who?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

24 hours without being grumpy!

The Great American Grump Out will be celebrated on Wednesday May 6, 2015

How to celebrate:

1. Smile for a reason! Eat some good food, have a good workout, go to a nice place, and let your inner feelings manifest in your smile!
2. Connect with other people and bring some fun with you. Grumpiness magically evaporates after that!
3. The easiest way to get grumpy is to find somebody wrong on the internet. Take a break from the net, or just use your time online for this day to surf for some movies or funny pictures.
4. Try to learn some meditation techniques to make it easier to not be grumpy.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


4 weeks ago I faced my fears.
I am a fairly average snowboarder and last year I was working on my confidence while on the slopes. Getting enough speed, cutting through the snow and getting used to my brand new goggles that my boyfriend had got me for Christmas.

One warm February day we headed up to the mountain, ready to spend a day 'carving it up!' Just like any other day we jumped on the lift and headed up to the top.

It was our first run and we were making our way down the mountain. I was in the 'zone' already. I was completely focused on what I was doing and loving every second of it. I told my boyfriend to go ahead of me because I didn't like him behind me. I could hear him and it was throwing me off. So he went ahead of me and I continued down the mountain.
I still do not remember exactly what happened next. I think I was going too fast when I hit some deep snow which twisted me around. I then hit a slight bump in the ground which lifted me into the air ... I was flying backwards.
My first reaction was to put my wrist behind me to break my fall. When I hit the ground I heard something crack and immediately went into shock.
When I say I don't remember what happened when I fell, well the next part I definitely don't remember. All I know is that my boyfriend saw me walking down the mountain holding my snowboard in one hand and my other hand was close to my chest. When I got to him I collapsed. I was very light-headed. After a few minutes the ski patrol arrived and I explained that I had landed on my wrist when I fell. They wanted to take my glove off but I told them I didn't want to look at it. So I closed my eyes while the ski patrol guy and my boyfriend took my glove off. The second they saw my wrist they exchanged a glance as if to say 'yep, that's broke.' However my boyfriend being a smart man, never gave me a reason to worry. Even though he knew it was bad, he also knew that if I knew it was bad, I'd freak out.
I got to go down the mountain on the 'ski patrol' stretcher which was completely mortifying at the time. After getting an exam at the mountain we were advised to visit the hospital. So we headed that way. We didn't have to wait long before we were in a room. The doctor came in and asked if I wanted a pain-relief injection which I declined. The nurse helped me with my x-rays. And about 30 minutes later came in with the news that 'your wrist is broken.' I cried a little but knew it could be worse.
Little did I know ...
The next day I headed to an orthopedic specialist. I was excited to get a cast!
I had a work trip to Nashville that week and I thought 'everyone can sign my cast!' After a meeting with the doctor and more x-rays, I got the worst news of my life 'you will need surgery!'
I burst into tears. I couldn't look at the x-rays. I wanted nothing more than to go back in time and not have this happen. Here I was doing something I absolutely love and not only was I going to have surgery but I would probably never get back up on a snowboard again. The break had been really bad and I would need plates and screws.
I went ahead with my trip to Nashville. I was in a lot of pain but I made the best of it and thankfully my workmate was very understanding! And yes, lots of people asked me about my wrist!

When I got back I had the surgery. I was very nervous and cried right before I went under. The doctor told my boyfriend I was singing 'I'm a whiskey girl at one point!' Over the next couple of months I lived life with a 'club' as an arm.

After I got my cast off, I moved to a brace. While my wrist was 'healed' I still needed therapy for movement. Thankfully my sister is a physiotherapist and we were able to have 'Skype Therapy!' She was able to help me with movement, rotation and most important, re-building my confidence. It took a long time for me realize my wrist was stronger than before and an even longer time to decide if I wanted to snowboard again.
Almost a year to the day that I broke my wrist, my boyfriend wanted to go away for his birthday. To a ski-resort. I said 'no' immediately. Then I said I would go but I wouldn't snowboard. Then I said I might snowboard. Then I decided to buy wrist guards and a helmet.

But I still wasn't sure if I would snowboard. We meet a few friends up there for the weekend and everyone knew that this was a big deal for me. The day arrived and I woke up nervous. I knew I could back out at any moment if I wanted and thankfully our friends were very supportive. I got dressed in my snowboard clothes which was odd because they were the same clothes I fell in when I broke my wrist.

We meet up with our friends and headed towards the slopes. Buying the wrist guards and a helmet was the best thing I could of done in preparation for my first trip back up the slopes. I'll never snowboard without them. We got out of the car. I put my helmet on and waited as everyone else got ready.

Finally we were ready to go.
I started down the mountain, keenly aware of where my brakes were.

I could feel my anxiety creeping in but once again I remembered where my brakes were.

Those first couple of minutes down the mountain were scary but I kept pushing through knowing that if I got down the mountain just one time that was better than nothing. About half way down the slope I started to cry. Tears of happiness were rolling down my face.
I could control my snowboard better than I ever had before! Once I reached the bottom of the mounatin I could not believe it. The biggest smile on my face, tears on my cheeks and a huge sense of accomplishment! We spent the rest of the day enjoying the slopes and I actually had some of my best runs ever.

It was one of the greatest days of my life! I never thought I would get back up on a snowboard, but facing my fear made me remember just how much I love snowboarding. It also taught me that when you get knocked down it might take a long time to get back up, but eventually you will get back up, you just have to believe in yourself. Which reminds me about facing my fear of scuba-diving after a scary night dive - I'll save that for another blog post.
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Kiwi :)

2 years ago I became a mum. Not a human mum but a 'cat' mum. I have never been solely responsible for anything. A plant yes, but that plant died so not worth mentioning. And 'myself' yes, but that goes without saying. Never a pet of any sort. We had pets growing up but mum and dad always took care of them. Just before Christmas, 2 years ago I became a 'cat' mum.

I thought I was getting a fish tank right up until I opened the box. My better half had to basically LIE to me so he could surprise me. I heard him talking on the phone and he mentioned the word 'calico'. A-ha! I knew it! I asked him about it 'so I'm getting a cat right? I heard you say the word Calico' He took a second (I guess to come up with this brilliant lie). He replied 'well um ... actually ... um I was speaking with the ... um ... owner of a fish tank shop. The shop is called Calico. And ... um well ok I'll tell you. You're getting a fish tank for Christmas! Surprise!'

Surprise? What the hell? We had talked about getting a fish but I figured we would get one together. I had to admit 'Calico' was a brilliant name for a fish tank shop. 'Awesome!' I replied through gritted teeth. 'Do I get a fish too?' 'Yep!' he exclaimed. 'I'm picking up the fish tank tomorrow. And you'll get the fish next week. Special order. It's a fish that eats other fish.'

I'm surprised I didn't catch on then. Nodding my head I started thinking about fish names. Jaws? Nemo? Shark? ... nothing felt right. When I had suspected that I might be getting a cat I had already named him/her 'Kiwi' so I thought oh well let's call the fish/piranha 'Kiwi.'

The next day I had a doctors appointment and right after I raced home because I knew I could open my present once I got home. Not sure why I didn't think it was strange that my better half was letting me open up my present before Christmas but because I have very little patience I didn't question it. As I pulled in, I called him on my phone. 'Hey, you need help carrying the fish tank?' 'Nope all good,' he replied. I was very excited walking into our apartment. I looked around. No present. 'Can I open my present? Where is it?' I asked. 'It's in the bedroom,' he replied smiling. I get overly-excited about a lot of things in life, especially Christmas presents. I marched into our bedroom excited to see this fish tank that would house my very first pet. A giant box sat on our bed.

My better half hadn't bothered to wrap it or set it up! I walked up and pulled back the box flap. That was when I let out a bloodcurdling scream. That was not a fish tank. The most terrified, most adorable, most tiny kitten was sitting in that box. Tears filled my eyes as I looked at my better half. This terrified/adorable/tiny kitten was all mine. I reached in and lifted out this kitten. And IMMEDIATELY it started purring.

'Boy or Girl?' I asked. 'She's a Calico. All Calico's are girls,' he replied. I laughed. 'Oh really? Calico? Like that store where you were getting the fish tank?' And with that I became a cat mum.

'Kiwi', is the most naughtiest/loving cat in the world. She is definitely a 'people' cat. She is full of life, full of mischief and likes to argue. In fact while I've been writing this, she's been put in 'time out' twice, water sprayed once and I've been playing fetch with her the whole time. But I wouldn't have it any other way. She teaches me patience, reminds me that a nap will sometimes work wonders and that you don't ALWAYS have to obey the rules.

Friday, December 7, 2012

"... and You're Done!"

Something incredibly awesome happened this Christmas. I didn't win the lotto, didn't run a marathon and I definitely didn't learn how to make my cat behave. Nope this is even better ... I discovered ... Amazon!

Of course I didn't discover Amazon before anybody else. Come to find out a lot of people actually use Amazon but they don't talk about it much. It's like shop cheating! No walking, no crowds, no trying to find a parking space, no getting ripped-off, no lugging bags back to the car, no lugging bags into the house ... SHOP CHEATING! Not only do you not move from your laptop, but you actually get better deals. Like a whole lot better deals. It all started mid-November. I don't know what gave me the idea to go to the website. But as soon as the homepage for loaded I was hooked. So hooked that an entire afternoon was devoted to 'window' shopping through all the goodies had to offer. I couldn't wait to show my (semi-skeptical) better half. He grudgingly decided to take a look but as soon as he did he was hooked instantly as well. 'Type in this item' he said and we both watched in amazement as our previous gift ideas evaporated into thin air. I don't know why it took me so long to try I've been on Facebook since March 25th 2007. I am on Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter etc and I pay my bills online.

I like to think of myself as technology-savvy, but there are some things I wont stop. Christmas Cards for example. And I have a ritual EVERY SINGLE Christmas that I send out Christmas Cards to friends and family around the world and I always send them out December 1st without fail!

And I've bought on-line before so 'shopping on-line' isn't a new thing for me. However as much as I do NOT enjoy the crowds, the finding a parking space, THE GETTING RIPPED OFF, nor the lugging of bags to the car AND into the house, I do enjoy making the effort to shop around to get the perfect gift ... and also 'physical' shopping is a great way to spend a weekday with a friend! Maybe now I can just shop* (go to an actual store, not cheat shopping) for myself from now on?? And I think that's why it's taken me so long to try When you buy online there's no effort. Also you don't get to touch the item. You weigh up options only based on price or a tiny photo. You press a key on a keyboard and ta-da 'shopping finished'. Which is why I will always send out Christmas Cards. I want people to receive something that I actually wrote in, addressed to them and put a stamp on. I don't feel as guilty shopping online when I actually have to make an effort with my Christmas Cards. So even though had to make me re-evaluate my shopping morals, with immense excitement I am happy to say all of my Christmas shopping is complete! Now back to the Christmas Cards ....

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pumpkin Cheesecake Nightmare

Thanksgiving is next week, we're hosting it at our place and I'm making Pumpkin Cheesecake. I posted on Facebook that I'd been thinking about making it. My friends were very encouraging and a few minutes later, I'd decided to make it*. Now I'm stressing. A friend gave me a recipe which has helped ease the nerves**. The recipe is called 'Impossibly Easy Pumpkin Cheesecake'. But I guess the thing I don't understand is, WHY do I have zero confidence in myself?
'They're hosting?' ... 'What about the rest of the Thanksgiving Feast?'*** Well thankfully I have shacked up with a cook! My delightful boyfriend is the most amazing cook and he is in charge of the whole shebang. He never stresses when cooking/baking, has a calculated approach from start to finish and is FULL of confidence. So I figure if my Pumpkin Cheesecake doesn't turn out good, at least everyone would of thoroughly enjoyed their meal up until dessert time. I have several issues with making Pumpkin Cheesecake. Concentration, patience and unfamiliar territory. It is also going to take a long time to make and I am more an instant -fix type of person. Which brings me to the obvious: Why not just buy a pumpkin cheesecake? To tell you the truth I am defeated then. The Pumpkin Cheesecake has won and I am defeated. I cannot let the Pumpkin Cheesecake win.**** So I embark on this Pumpkin Cheesecake nightmare***** tonight. I am purchasing the ingredients. There is no going back after I purchase the ingredients. Wish me luck! And if you learn anything from this. Never post anything on Facebook that you do not intend to do :)
* peer pressure? ** yeah right! *** I just know you're thinking that **** I feel like I'm in the climatic part of a movie ***** yeah I tend to over-exaggerate!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

some things change ... but not by much

I spent 4 days in NYC last week. NYC is a superb place to visit and for the past couple of years it's become the place I go to see my friends and family when they visit the US of A! In NYC you never have to worry about 'what to do'... lots of walking (so plenty of time to catch up), tons of tourist spots (to keep you entertained) and plenty of places to eat and drink (just in case it all gets too much!)*
Over the past, oh I don't know ... 8 years, one of my very best friends and I, have not been in the same country at the same time. That's just what happens in your 20's!** So when she said she was visiting NYC I jumped at the chance to see her (and meet her fiance and 2 of her other friends!) So off I went last week to NYC full of excitement! It was pouring the rain when I arrived, which I really dig***. So I sorted out an umbrella and started exploring by myself, as my friend (whom I hadn't seen in 8 years) wasn't arriving until later that night.
I got up early**** the next morning to head to Times Square and meet my friend (whom I hadn't seen in 8 years). I felt myself getting nervous. Like REALLY nervous. What if we were completely different now? What if she couldn't understand my NewZealand/WestVirginia/Ohio/NorthCarolina accent?***** What if we didn't laugh at the same things? eeeeeeeeeeeek! Shaking off my nerves I got on the Subway. My phone beeped. 'We are on the red steps.' A text from her. OH MY GOD. What if I don't recognize her? Nerves are back. I didn't bring my glasses with me. I am going to look ridiculous squinting into the crowd at the bottom of the red steps without my glasses ... looking for someone who MIGHT NOT LOOK THE SAME!!! GREEEEAT! Did I say nerves are back? I approach the red steps. I can feel my heart beating in my chest. I peer into the crowd****** and I begin searching for a familiar face. She jumps up calling my name and waving and I let out a huge sigh of relief. I run up the stairs and give her a big hug. ... she looks exactly the same! Yay! AND then the tears started! Yep I'm slightly strange. I don't cry at goodbyes (ever), I cry at hellos!
With the 'meeting' out of the way I started to really enjoy myself. Over the next couple of days I had the best time with not only my friend (whom I hadn't seen in 8 years) but also her fiance and their wonderful friends. So had anything changed? Yep, a few things. Yes, she could definitely hear my NewZealand/WestVirginia/Ohio/NorthCarolina accent but we only had one communication breakdown the entire time! We still laughed at the same things (the 2 buses that broke down for example). And yes we had changed, but not much. One - I am not very good on a bike anymore*******.
And two - she has become an awesome travel agent. She's always been great to go on vacation******** with but I could tell that her career has made her REALLY great! Even though she hadn't been to NYC before she knew all the places to go (and some of the most inexpensive *********.)
I had a moment about 30 minutes after I meet her at those red steps. We were on the bus********** and we were laughing, and I thought 'Wow, has it really been 8 years?' It felt like just yesterday we were laughing about the same things and I smiled. You have friends that you know for a short while. And you have friends you know for a long while. And then you have those friends that you can pick up right where you left off. Coz some things will change ... but not by much.
* Just to clarify I don't have annoying friends or family. Well any that I'd tell you about! ** I've decided. I might write a blog about it *** Read my previous blog titled 'Rainy Day's - I love rain (a little too much) **** 10am (early for vacation) ***** I've moved a lot the past 8 years and yes my accent has suffered from it ****** NOT FUN! FYI everyone that is sitting on the Red Steps is staring at YOU! ******* Note to self: purchase a bike, don't wear a dress & practice riding bike ******** 'Holiday' for everyone outside of USA ********* $12 dinner, in an amazing restaurant in Manhattan! ********** before the first bus broke down