Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pumpkin Cheesecake Nightmare

Thanksgiving is next week, we're hosting it at our place and I'm making Pumpkin Cheesecake. I posted on Facebook that I'd been thinking about making it. My friends were very encouraging and a few minutes later, I'd decided to make it*. Now I'm stressing. A friend gave me a recipe which has helped ease the nerves**. The recipe is called 'Impossibly Easy Pumpkin Cheesecake'. But I guess the thing I don't understand is, WHY do I have zero confidence in myself?
'They're hosting?' ... 'What about the rest of the Thanksgiving Feast?'*** Well thankfully I have shacked up with a cook! My delightful boyfriend is the most amazing cook and he is in charge of the whole shebang. He never stresses when cooking/baking, has a calculated approach from start to finish and is FULL of confidence. So I figure if my Pumpkin Cheesecake doesn't turn out good, at least everyone would of thoroughly enjoyed their meal up until dessert time. I have several issues with making Pumpkin Cheesecake. Concentration, patience and unfamiliar territory. It is also going to take a long time to make and I am more an instant -fix type of person. Which brings me to the obvious: Why not just buy a pumpkin cheesecake? To tell you the truth I am defeated then. The Pumpkin Cheesecake has won and I am defeated. I cannot let the Pumpkin Cheesecake win.**** So I embark on this Pumpkin Cheesecake nightmare***** tonight. I am purchasing the ingredients. There is no going back after I purchase the ingredients. Wish me luck! And if you learn anything from this. Never post anything on Facebook that you do not intend to do :)
* peer pressure? ** yeah right! *** I just know you're thinking that **** I feel like I'm in the climatic part of a movie ***** yeah I tend to over-exaggerate!