Well what a busy week. I'm sitting here Saturday morning & I know I'm exhausted because I'm watching my cat watch the birds outside. I love watching Kiwi (my cat) stare for hours on end at the birds. I heard a good quote recently ''life is meant to be lived & curiosity must be kept alive!' - reminds me of what Kiwi teaches me on a daily basis.
So lets go back to my busy week! I was asked to be a Judge for the new FOX Show 'The X-Factor' ... yeah, the new one that Simon Cowell is bringing to the US! I've seen clips of the UK 'X-Factor' & it's a awesome show. It's kind of like American Idol but open to more ages (12 & up) & groups can enter!
So I was a judge for the 2 days of auditions & while I've judged a couple of talent shows before, I have to say I was a little nervous. I was nervous because I know what it's like to get on stage & to be a ball of nerves & literally be shaking as you're holding the mic. I know what it's like to feel like you might faint/pee/throw-up right before you go on stage. It's a truely brave thing to do, to show off ones talent & that's where confidence comes in. I talk on the radio every day, I MC concerts in front of thousands of people, I've been acting my whole life. But still til this day I still get that sicky feeling in my stomach right before. And the best part about it is I know I do my best, when I'm nervous. So while I was very nervous to be a judge, I have to say the amazing talent that Lima bought to the auditions really helped to ease MY(!) nerves. It was so much fun! & the staff at Hometown Stations did a great job in the organization. We should find out wins the front of the line pass to Chicago NEXT WEEK!
With the craziness that is SUMMER approaching, boy wonder & I have been wanting to plan a trip to the beach, or really just anywhere where we can relax! So we started looking at some options & we have a friend who lives on an island in the Carribean who actually taught both of us to scuba dive. He has said on numerous occasions that we should come visit. Well randomly out of the blue, a friend of mine invited me and another friend to the SAME island for a trip around the time that boy wonder and I wanted to go! I couldn't believe it & decided right then and there that we were going! ... I was breaking a sister-hood code by having the boyfriend come along on a girls trip, but we actually have 2 places to stay, I can combine a girls trip with the boyfriends trip, he'll be fishing most of the time I'm sure & we're going to be gone a whole week, so lots of girl time and boyfriend time! plus scuba diving & tanning ... bliss!
Like a said a busy week & I'm going back to watching Kiwi watch the birds!