OK so it hasn't been that bad, but Day 2 was definitely uncomfortable. Day 1 was a breeze but by Day 2 my teeth really started moving. Added in is the fact that I'm not very good at taking the Invisalign out so I had to practice that as well.
Day 2 started off reasonably well, but when I tried to drink my morning coffee I realized that if your coffee is too hot it's going to be too hot with Invisalign on as well. OUCH!!!
By lunch time I could feel my teeth start to move so I took an Advil. The cool (& slightly annoying) thing about Invisalign is that noone noticed. Even though I was a little annoyed that noone noticed I realized that that could be a good thing!!! However instead of keeping it quiet, I had to of course let everyone know about it.
Something very interesting happened on Day 2. I actually sounded like myself. I was fully expecting to sound completely different and you couldn’t even tell. I listened back to some on-air segments where I had the Invisalign in and ones where I didn’t have it in and you couldn’t tell the difference.
Getting back to Day 2, after making it through lunch and of course removing the Invisalign to eat and putting it back after I’d eaten, I got settled in for a busy afternoon. I actually forgot about the Invisalign during the afternoon. I had been so consumed with it during the morning that after lunch I think I started getting used to it, so used to it that I didn't notice it much at all.

That night I went home, ate dinner (taking the Invisalign out of course) and watched some TV. It was quite frankly a pretty boring evening but I started thinking about how much I really loved that my Invisalign was starting to work. I was also thankful that the Invisalign hadn’t altered my life as dramatically as I had thought it would. I still sounded the same, I still was able to work the same way and be the same person. The only thing I needed to remember was to wait after I poured my morning coffee so I didn’t burn my mouth. I’m working on it …