Mick & Marlowe's Motivational Monday!
The Free Spirit
-Exercise has to be fun!
-You have difficulty sticking to any type of exercise schedule
-You enjoy many actvities
-Joining a walking or running club may help you stick to a regular schedule to avoid times when you slack on exercise
-Try dance or fitness classes you can attend weekly or several times a week
-Try playing games like Wii Fit or joining a sports team
-To stay on track, schedule more of your workouts, give yourself reasons to exercise, commit to regular activity & keep having fun
The Seeker
-You like trying new things but have a history of starting & quitting exercise
-You many even have some home gym equipment you've bought & given up on. But still you persevere & you want to find something that works for you.
-You may be a bit self-conscious & worry about what other people might think, on the other hand you're social & enjoy being in a group.
-It may be a good idea for you to join a gym. Look for one with an open & accepting atmosphere where you don't feel out of place.
-Try to get a friend to work out with you so you have some support.
-Work with a personal trainer so that they will be there for you when you might be inclined to give up your exercise regime.
-Try to master one activity at a time, like free weights & then move to classes so that you stay interested.
-If you don't feel ready to join a gym, try exercise videos you can do at home & set a regular time & place to do them!
By the Book
-Leader, goal-orientated, no problem getting committed, may get stuck in ruts
-Walking, running, cycling, try training for a race so that you can set a goal & work towards it.
-The challenge of martial arts could also be appropiate.
-Try not to be inflexible, be opn to new ideas & try not to be a know-it-all. Listen to suggestions.
The Hard Worker
-You may be in a rut
-You find something that works & you stick with it & go hard at it
-You might be too relient on what works & are afraid to try new things, because you may not get the same results.
-It's a good idea to try leaving your comfort zone & try something new.
-Your body needs new challenges so that you won't reach a plateau & stay there.
-Try working out with a buddy or family member to get some excitement back in your workouts
-If you gravitate towards cardio machines, try different programs on the machines, like the treadmill or eliptical.
-Work out with a heart rate monitor to see how much or how little you're pushing yourself.
-Try a fitness class, you'll be proud of yourself as you easily master it & you just might find something you enjoy.
-Working with a personal trainer is a great way to try new activites you may shy away from. They'll make the decision for you so you have to try new things. They can also give you a new & exciting program
-Watch out for boredom, overuse injuries & quitting because you can't get out of your rut
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