Embrace Your Geekness Day is a great day to be a Geek. Or, to know a Geek.
A geek is an individual who is highly intelligent (brainy) & technically oriented. They are most often associated with the computer & computer systems world. A geek is usually formal, studious & into his technical world, often to teh exclusion of all else. A geek is closely related to a 'Nerd'. A nerd, may or may not possess technical expertise.
Some people view the term 'Geek' with a negative connotation. Are they jealous of your knowledge & skills, perhaps? We certainly think so!
Enjoy Embrace Your Geekness Day to the Fullest! Spend plenty of time with your computer. Talk computer lingo & jargon. If you are geek, stand tall & proud! Isn't it great to be so brilliant & gifted!!!
404 - Someone who is clueless. From the Web Error Message '404 Not Found' which means the document requested couldn't be located ...'Don't bother asking John. He's 404'...
Alpha Geek - The most knowledgeable, technically proficient person in an office or work group ...'I dunno, ask Jim. He's our Alpha Geek' ....
Batmobiling - putting up emotional shields. Refers to the retracting armor that covers the Batmobile as in 'she started talking marriage & he started batmobiling'
Chips & Salsa - Chips:Hardware, Salsa:Software ...'First we gotta figure out if the problem's in your chips or your salsa
Egosurfing - Scanning the Net, databases etc, for one's own name
Mouse Potato - The online generation's answer to the couch potato
Seagull Manager - A manager who flies in, makes a lot noise, poops over everything & then leaves!
1. Practice empathy: Make it a habit to try to place yourself in the shoes of another person.
2. Practice compassion: Once you can understand another person, & feel what they're going through, learn to want to end their suffering.
3. How would you want to be treated: When you put yourself in someone else shoes, ask yourself how you think they want to be treated.
4. Be friendly: When in doubt, follow this tip. It's usually safe to be friendly towards others.
5. Be helpful: In general there is a tendency to keep to yourself, & ignore the problems of others. Don't be blind to the needs & troubles of others.
6. Be courteous in traffic: There are few times when we are as selfish as when we are driving. We don't want to give up the right of way, we cut people off, we honk etc. We certainly don't act that way in person, most of the time. So try to be courteous in traffic
7. Listen to others: Another weakness: we all want to talk, but very few of us want to listen. So take the time to actually listen to another person, rather than just wait your turn to talk
8. Stop critcism: Hold back your criticism, and instead learn to interact with others in a positive way.
9. Don't control others: When you get the urge to control, put yourself in that person's shoes. You would want freedom, and trust, wouldn't you? Give that to others then
10. Send yourself a reminder: Email yourself a daily reminder, to live your life by the Golden Rule, so you don't forget
11. Rise above retaliation: We have a tendency to strike back when we're treated badly. This is natural. Resist that urge. Does that mean you have to be a doormat? No .. you have to assert your rights but you can do so in a way where you still treat others well & don't strike back just because they treated you badly first.
12. Be the change: Even if the world doesn't change, at least you have
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