While I’m waiting to get my name called I begin to imagine all the cool things I’ll be able to do when I get my new teeth. I’ve never cared to ‘whiten’ my teeth coz I don’t show them, so maybe I can do that now? I don’t often wear lipstick, so maybe I can get a new hot red color!

I’m most looking forward to learning how to ‘smile’ with my teeth. I know this sounds weird but I might have to ‘practice’ smiling in front of the mirror.
As usual I drift off into a daydream and am snapped back to reality when my name is called.
I get the impression that Orthodontic Associates only hire people that are first of all super nice. Second of all (and here I am getting jealous again) people that have great teeth. I must look deep in thought (jealous?) because the lady I’m following asks if I am nervous.
“No!” I quickly say … ‘Should I be?’
She smiles again (jealous?), then laughs as she says ‘No way! This is going to be fun!’
I sit down and inform everyone that I am indeed very nervous. I also let everyone know that while most people want to know step by step the process that they are undergoing … I request that I be kept out of the loop. They totally understand and get to work creating molds of my teeth.
I admit I start to get curious. I’m nervous but it’s not nearly as scary as I thought it was going to be. I feel somewhat confident so I ask how long it usually takes. Surprisingly they say they are done and that I’m good to go!
You can check out the ‘Treatment Process’ according to the experts by clicking HERE
I start to feel a little sad as I get up to leave. The staff is so lovely to chat with (like an old friend from way back when) that I even linger around to continue a conversation with one of the ladies. She finally starts to show me the way out and lets me know that they will call me as soon as my Invisalign Package arrives.

I am beyond excited & a little disappointed that it went so fast. What to do??? Maybe start looking for that new lipstick? I think so!
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