Thursday, May 6, 2010

10 BAD 'WILDLIFE' MOTHERS ' .... HEHE be thankful you're not living in the animal kingdom!


With Mother's Day on Sunday May 9th, it's time to reflect on our wonderful memories of our mother & all of the loving & caring things she did for us.
It's also a good time to be thankful that you're not living in the animal kingdom with one of these 10 BAD Mothers!

10. Lioness: When a new male takes over a pride, the mother gives her cubs that are under 2 years of age, over to him & he kills them
9: House Sparrow: This bird will seek out the nest of another female that her partner has also mated with & then kill that female's young to remove the competition
8. Darwin's Frog: The mother lays her eggs & then abandons them, leaving the father responsible for hatching & raising them
7. Giant Pandas: The mother gives birth to litters of one-to-three babies. If more than one is born, the mother chooses only one to raise
6. Cuckoo: The bird lays an egg & then delivers it to another cuckoo's nest for it to raise
5. Dracula Ants: These ants suck the blood from their larvae.
4. Galapagos Shark: These mothers often mistake their young for food & eat them
3. Black Bears: These mothers hope to have a litter, so if she gives birth to only one cub, she abandons it & tries again for more!
2. African Black Eagle: This mother lays 2 eggs, with the 2nd one being an insurance policy in case the first one doesn't hatch. But if both hatch, she lets the older one eat the younger one
1. Langur Monkeys: These mothers have been known to abandon or even kill their young if they get injured or sick

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