Fiber - Insoluble fiber provides volume to food without adding a lot of calories. Foods rich in insoluble fiber include high fiber cereal, whole wheat bread & wheat bran. Soluble fiber helps stabilize your blood sugar levels, which in turn can better control hunger & cravings.
Juicy Foods - Fruits & veggies with a high water content 'built into the food' helps to fill you up, so you'll eat less collectively throughout the day. Go for watermelon, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, grapefruit & cantaloupe
Lean Protein - Protein can slightly rev your metabolism after ingestion, more so than carbs & fat
Foods that Make You Work - People eat less of the very same foods when they require a bit of work. For example, buy shelled peanuts versus unshelled peanuts & prepare soybeans in the pod versus the straight bean.
Sugarless Gum - Contrary to what people think, sugarless gum does not stimulate your appetite. In fact, it's a great way to give your tast buds a shot of flavor & prevent yourself from popping something caloric in your mouth.
Hot Beverages - Sipping a hot, low-cal beverage is a great way to stave off the extra calories when you're looking to eat out of pure boredom.
Spicy Food - Research has shown that you're often satisfied with less food when the meal is spicy hot. Plus you automatically eat slower & drink more water!!!
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