Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Sean Bera in-studio!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
25 Must-See Guy Flicks!
You may roll your eyes and complain when it's your man's turn to pick the DVD, but take a closer look at his movie collection and you may find some must-see picks. Pop in one of these classic dude flicks this weekend to score some major points, and listen for the instantly-catchy lines everyone and their grandmother has been quoting since the movie hit theaters:
Quote-Worthy Line: "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."
Quotable Line: "I hate snakes."
Quote-Worthy Line: "Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?"
Quote-Worthy Line: "Say hello to my leetle friend."
Quote-Worthy Line: "I know Kung Fu."
Quote-Worthy Line: ""Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me."
Quote-Worthy Line: "Like warm apple pie."
Quote-Worthy Line: "First rule of Fight Club: You do not talk about Fight Club."
Quote-Worthy Line: "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
Quote-Worthy Line: "May the Force be with you."
11. JAWS
Quote-Worthy Line: "You're gonna need a bigger boat."
Quote-Worthy Line: "You're so money and you don't even know it."
Quote-Worthy Line: "I like sex. It's nice!"
Quote-Worthy Line: "I feel so tiny in your arms. [I'm] Six foot five, but I feel like I'm four feet.
Quote-Worthy Line: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Quote-Worthy Line: "At my signal, unleash Hell."
Quote-Worthy Line: "Well, I wouldn't exactly say I've been missing it, Bob."
Quote-Worthy Line: "Don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day."
Quote-Worthy Line: "You've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?"
Quote-Worthy Line: "I'm a virgin, always have been."
Quote-Worthy Line: "Yeah, baby!"
Quote-Worthy Line: "Where we're going, we don't need roads."
Quote-Worthy Line: "I Googled 'murder.'"
Quote-Worthy Line: "Bond. James Bond."
Quote-Worthy Line: "Here's Johnny!"
-Marie Claire
Monday, August 9, 2010
Miranda Lambert's 'Only Prettier' Vid!!!
Monday, August 2, 2010
M&M's - National Simplify Your Life Week!

The first week of August is National Simplify Your Life Week! It’s an official, yet little known observance that encourages you to organize and de-clutter your life. We overextend ourselves daily and then try to compensate by taking a long weekend or a week of vacation. But what happens after we return? The same worries, commitments, tasks, and responsibilities are still there waiting for us to return.
So why don’t we do things every week, or every day to help alleviate some of the stress in our lives? If we simplify our lives daily, then maybe we wouldn’t feel so stressed and we could enjoy life just a little more, even on vacation. Here are some ideas to help you get started simplifying your life.
SHORT LIST – if the list below is too long, there are only really 2 steps to simplifying.
1. Identify what’s most important to you
2. Eliminate everything else!
-Too much e-mail? Check e-mail at designated times during the day, 9 am, Noon, and 3pm, rather than all day long. Sticking to a schedule keeps you from getting distracted. E-mail is a major time waster.
- Unsubscribe! Have you registered and signed up for every forum on the planet? Which ones do you actually enjoy reading? Which ones do you actually read? Unsubscribe! Take 30 minutes this week and just do it!
- Take a long relaxing bath! This one is pure indulgence. We need to do it more often. Pick one or two nights each week and put it on your calendar. You’ll feel relaxed and refreshed and will sleep great.
- Make an end of the day list! Each day before you leave your office, review your current to-do list, make a list of things you need to do the next day, and review your calendar for the next day. You will start your day knowing what needs to be done without wasting any time!
- Make a list of the 4-5 important things. What’s most important to you? What 4-5 things do you most want to do in life?
- Evaluate your commitments. Look at everything you’ve got going on in your life & think about which really gives you value, which ones you love doing. Drop the rest.
- Evaluate your time. How do you spend your day? Make a list & evaluate whether they’re in line with your priorities. Redesign your day!
- Learn to say no. If you can’t say no, you will take on too much!
- Simplify your wardrobe. Simplify your wardrobe by getting rid of anything you don’t actually wear.
- Free up time & do what you love. Eliminate the stuff you don’t like & spend that extra time doing things you love.
- Spend time alone. Alone time is good for you & the quiet is necessary for finding out what’s important to you.
- Learn what ‘enough’ is. Sure you can get the new gadget & more clothes, shoes. But when will you have enough? Figure out how much is enough and stop when you get there.
- Always ask: Will this simplify my life? If the answer is no, reconsider.
Monday, July 26, 2010
M&M's: All or Nothing Day-July 26th

All or Nothing Day - July 26th
You're probably wondering what the heck 'All or Nothing Day' is about. Have you ever heard that expression 'Today is the first day of the rest of your life?' This is the day to give something your all or don't even bother. It's the day to take a chance for once & do something you've always wanted to do, but haven't. Even if it goes wrong or you end up failing - at least you tried! It's the 'day' you live like it's your last.
How to Observe it
So what are some of the things you should be giving your all? Take a minute to think about the things you would regret not doing if you were gone tomorrow. It's the day to say, 'I love you,' apologize or forgive an old friend & smile. Spend more time with your family, wear pink or practice like you've never practiced. Do something nice for someone, express yourself, don't deny your feelings & follow your heart. Today is all about you. Some things might hurt, like letting down your guard for the day, but in the end it's worth it. Who knows what tomorrow brings. Most of all, enjoy the day.
Do you have any goals, dreams or wishes you want to accomplish?
The Bucket List is a 2007 film starring Academy Award Winners Jack Nicholson & Morgan Freeman. The main plot follows 2 terminally ill men on their road trip with a wish list of things to do before they 'kick the buckey'
Make your OWN Bucket List.
Risk-Taking Quotes
'Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible'
-Cadet Maxim
'Do one thing every day that scares you'
-Eleanor Roosevelt
'Trust your own instincts. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's'
-Billy Wilder
Pros & Cons
Pros & Cons are arguments for or against a particular isse. Pros are arguments which aim to promote the issue, while cons suggest points against it. The term has been in use since the 16th century & is a shortening of a Latin phrase, pro et contra' which means 'for & against.' Considering the pros & cons of an issue is a very useful way to weigh the issue thoughtfully & reach an informed decision.
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thanks to everyone who came out for the 29th 2010 Colgate Country Showdown!!! It was a great success!!! Cannot believe how hot it was!!!
Picture Number 1 - from left to right: 1st place, 2nd place & 3rd place
Picture Number 2 - Here is our winner 15 year old Colton Pack!!! He moves on the state competition in Parkersburg
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
M&M's - July is National Cellphone Courtesy Month

July is National Cellphone Courtesy Month – an event Jacqueline Whitmore, an author & etiquette expert, founded in 2002 with the intent to encourage the increasingly unmindful cellphone users to be more respectful of their surroundings by using some simple cellphone etiquette principles.
“It’s important to educate people about the proper way to use these devices so that they’re still in touch but not annoying those around them.”
Wireless phone users can take these steps to avoid offending others:
1. Be all there. When you’re in a meeting, performance, courtroom or other busy area, let calls go to voicemail to avoid a disruption. In some instances, turning your phone off may be the best solution.
2. Keep it private. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid discussing private or confidential information in public. You never know who may be in hearing range.
3. Keep your cool. Don’t display anger during a public call. Conversations that are likely to be emotional should be held where they will not embarrass or intrude on others.
4. Learn to vibe. Use your wireless phone’s silent or vibration settings in public places such as business meetings, religious services, schools, restaurants, theaters or sporting events so that you do not disrupt your surroundings.
5. Avoid “cell yell.” Remember to use your regular conversational tone when speaking on your wireless phone. People tend to speak more loudly than normal and often don’t recognize how distracting they can be to others.
6. Follow the rules. Some places, such as hospitals or airplanes, restrict or prohibit the use of mobile phones, so adhere to posted signs and instructions. Some jurisdictions may also restrict mobile phone use in public places.
7. Excuse yourself. If you are expecting a call that can’t be postponed, alert your companions ahead of time and excuse yourself when the call comes in; the people you are with should take precedence over calls you want to make or receive.
8. Send a message. Use Text Messaging to send and receive messages without saying a single word.
9. Watch and listen discreetly. New multimedia applications such as streaming video and music are great ways to stay informed and access the latest entertainment. However, adjust the volume based on your surroundings in much the same way that you would adjust your ringer volume. Earphones are a great way to avoid distracting others in public areas.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Friends of Coal Auto Fair Platinum Sponsor Photo & Media Day!!!
That's me on the far right ... (in the red shirt!)
The 7th Annual Friends of Coal Auto Fair: July 16th - July 18th
The Legend himself 'Charlie Daniels' & Power Country's Houseband 'Taylormade' will be taking the stage Saturday July 17th at 7pm ... for more info visit
M&M's - Embrace Your Geekness Day - July 13th!!

Embrace Your Geekness Day is a great day to be a Geek. Or, to know a Geek.
A geek is an individual who is highly intelligent (brainy) & technically oriented. They are most often associated with the computer & computer systems world. A geek is usually formal, studious & into his technical world, often to teh exclusion of all else. A geek is closely related to a 'Nerd'. A nerd, may or may not possess technical expertise.
Some people view the term 'Geek' with a negative connotation. Are they jealous of your knowledge & skills, perhaps? We certainly think so!
Enjoy Embrace Your Geekness Day to the Fullest! Spend plenty of time with your computer. Talk computer lingo & jargon. If you are geek, stand tall & proud! Isn't it great to be so brilliant & gifted!!!
404 - Someone who is clueless. From the Web Error Message '404 Not Found' which means the document requested couldn't be located ...'Don't bother asking John. He's 404'...
Alpha Geek - The most knowledgeable, technically proficient person in an office or work group ...'I dunno, ask Jim. He's our Alpha Geek' ....
Batmobiling - putting up emotional shields. Refers to the retracting armor that covers the Batmobile as in 'she started talking marriage & he started batmobiling'
Chips & Salsa - Chips:Hardware, Salsa:Software ...'First we gotta figure out if the problem's in your chips or your salsa
Egosurfing - Scanning the Net, databases etc, for one's own name
Mouse Potato - The online generation's answer to the couch potato
Seagull Manager - A manager who flies in, makes a lot noise, poops over everything & then leaves!
1. Practice empathy: Make it a habit to try to place yourself in the shoes of another person.
2. Practice compassion: Once you can understand another person, & feel what they're going through, learn to want to end their suffering.
3. How would you want to be treated: When you put yourself in someone else shoes, ask yourself how you think they want to be treated.
4. Be friendly: When in doubt, follow this tip. It's usually safe to be friendly towards others.
5. Be helpful: In general there is a tendency to keep to yourself, & ignore the problems of others. Don't be blind to the needs & troubles of others.
6. Be courteous in traffic: There are few times when we are as selfish as when we are driving. We don't want to give up the right of way, we cut people off, we honk etc. We certainly don't act that way in person, most of the time. So try to be courteous in traffic
7. Listen to others: Another weakness: we all want to talk, but very few of us want to listen. So take the time to actually listen to another person, rather than just wait your turn to talk
8. Stop critcism: Hold back your criticism, and instead learn to interact with others in a positive way.
9. Don't control others: When you get the urge to control, put yourself in that person's shoes. You would want freedom, and trust, wouldn't you? Give that to others then
10. Send yourself a reminder: Email yourself a daily reminder, to live your life by the Golden Rule, so you don't forget
11. Rise above retaliation: We have a tendency to strike back when we're treated badly. This is natural. Resist that urge. Does that mean you have to be a doormat? No .. you have to assert your rights but you can do so in a way where you still treat others well & don't strike back just because they treated you badly first.
12. Be the change: Even if the world doesn't change, at least you have
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Every guy, at one time or another, has to meet his girl's father for the first time. A new girlfriend's dad is frightening because he knows what your motives are. Here are a few rules to make a meeting a little less stressful.
- Keep it brief: Meet the parents in a neutral environment. Dinner at a restaurant is good - it's over with quickly & provides opportunities for easy conversation.
-Control your tongue: You're trying to make a good impression. Don't talk about yourself all night - steer the conversation back to her parents' interests
-Treat his daughter like a goddess: He will be watching you very closely for any real or perceived slights against his child. Pull out chairs for her, pick up the tab & compliment her intelligence.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
M&M's - Workaholic Day!

Workaholics Day - July 5th
July 5th is Workaholic Day. It recognizes the guy, or gal, who works all of the time....... even during holidays. While just about everyone is enjoying the Fourth of July holiday, the Work-a-holic is off working on some project.
Oftentimes, the realization of being a workaholic comes with repeated comments from others or through self-awareness of how your work schedule differs from that of others. Working hard to achieve a goal that is very important to you is OK. What is not OK is neglecting yourself, your loved ones and feeling that the decision to do so is no longer a conscious one you have control over, but is a habit that you can no longer control.
In order to avoid letting your business drive you mad, incorporate the following 5 tips into your busy life:
1. Exercise regularly and stay active. It is far too easy to avoid exercising because you have to do more work. Instead, make you physical health your top priority. Exercise is an ideal way to tap into your inner genius and solutions hidden in your subconscious mind. Take a jog and mull over an issue that you've been having in the workplace.
2. Eat and drink healthily. Working until the wee hours of the morning can cause you to have the late-night munchies. Reach for a stick of celery or some baby carrots instead.
3. Get enough sleep. When you find yourself nodding off at your desk, or day dreaming and losing focus, you are no longer productive. It's better to get a full night's rest and be fresh in the morning than to stay up late and work inefficiently.
4. Spend time outdoors. This can be combined with lesson 1. Fresh air does wonders for your mental state, and spending time with nature can bring out creativity which leads to great ideas that increase your bottom line.
5. Take some quiet time each day. Staring at the computer, talking on the phone and writing hundreds of emails everyday can wear your brain out. Find ten minutes of everyday and have some quiet time for yourself. Meditate, close your eyes and zone out or just listen to some soothing music for ten minutes a day.
By incorporating life enhancing practices into your everyday routine, you can become more productive and produce a better quality of work, and this increases the longevity of your personal and business health.
Monday, June 28, 2010
M&M's National Sunglasses Day!

Slip-Slop-Slap is the name of a health campaign in Australia exhorting people to 'slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen & slap on a hat when they go out into the sun, in order to protect themselves against an increased risk of skin cancer. It is probably Australia's most recognizable health message.
The campaign started in 1981. The campaign was extended in later years to encourage the use of sunglasses & shade. That is, slip on a shirt, slop on the sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade, slide on some sunglasses: 'Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide.' It is also used in New Zealand.
Monday, June 21, 2010

Feeling down? Here are some things that will cheer you up in no time:
- BE REBELLIOUS!- have a piece of cake before noon!
- MAKE SOMEONE ELSE'S DAY! - over-tip, tell someone how great they look, do a random act of kindness ... & it will make you - and them - feel great!
- FACEBOOK-STALK THOSE 'UNATTAINABLE' CRUSHES YOU HAD IN HIGH SCHOOL - chances are some of them have become a lot less hot!
-SMILE! - Even if you're faking it at first, it may start to feel real.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
M&M's - Exercise your BRAIN!

For general health, experts recommend exercise on most days of the week & strength training at least 3 times per week. Follow these guidelines when it comes to strengthening your brain as well. Just 20 minutes 3 times per week can help reduce your risk of developing Alzheimers by up to 70%
It's very important that these exercises follow 3 basic principles:
1) the activity must fully engage your attention
2) the activity must involve more than one sense
3) the activity should also break a routine
'Good for the body is the work of the body, good for the soul is the work of the soul, & good for either is the work of the other' - Henry David Thoreau
- Take classes to learn something you've always wanted to understand
- Do games & puzzles such as crossword puzzles, Sudoku & Scrabble
- Read often with a lot of different types of books
- Remember & repeat groups of words. Memorize your grocery list
- Meditate often. Take calm, deep breaths
- Eat foods containing omega fatty acids such as flax, hemp seeds & fish
- Peform math functions regulary
- Learn new words from a 'word a day' calendar or dictionary.
- Use your left hand if you are right handed & reverse to exercise the opposite side of the brain
- Mess around with a twisty puzzle
- Learn to read & play music (classical music is know to have the best effect)
- Draw or Paint
- Consider the different possiblities of how something could've gone & explore these consequences. This improves creativity
- When trying to learn something or review for a quiz, listen to your favorite song on repeat. This is an association technique where your brain connects what you learned to what you heard
- Try commuting with varied routes, to prevent the brain from becoming monotonous
- Avoid watching TV for hours, solve puzzles while watching TV to increase multitasking
- Learn to play new games to increase mind body co-ordination
- Never avoid breakfast, it's essential for your brain to function efficiently
- Remember to exercise your body - a healthier mind results from a healthy body. Get plenty of physical exercise.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Treasure Hunters RoadShow!!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
GIG GUIDE - Amanda & I talked about these 'Ways to Annoy your Bartender!'

Your relationship with your bartender is a delicate one. Don't mess it up!
Here are some ways that customers annoy their bartender in a big, bad way:
- Ask for a refund: Just because something doesn't strike your taste bud's fancy, doesn't mean the bartender should be footing the bill on account of your mistake.
- Go behind the bar: That's sacred turf back there. Stay on your side of the bar, no matter how thirsty or annoyed you might be at the slow service.
- Steal something: Stealing glasses or posters from the bar never goes well. And, you are very likely to not get away with it.
- Offer job advice: Pointing out who you think should be served next or accusing the bartender of watering down drinks is about as insulting as it gets.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
M&M's - Getting your ZZZZZ's!

-Go to bed & get up at about the same time every day, even on the weekends. Sticking to a schedule helps reinforce your body's sleep-wake cycle & can help you fall asleep more easily at night
-Don't eat or drink large amounts before bedtime. Eat a light dinner at least 2 hours before sleeping. Also limit how much you drink before bed
-Avoid nicotine, caffeine & alcohol in the evening. These are stimulants that can keep you awake
-Exercise regularly - Regular physical activity, especially aerobic exercise, can help you fall asleep faster, however exercising right before bed may make getting to sleep more difficult
-Make your bedroom cool, dark, quiet & comfortable. Create a room that's ideal for sleeping. Adjust the lighting, temperature, humidity & noise level to your preferences.
-Sleep primarily at night. Daytime naps may steal hours from nighttime slumber. Limit daytime sleep to about a half-hour & make it during mid-afternoon. If you work nights, keep your window coverings closed so that sunlight, which adjusts the body's internal clock, doesn't interrupt your sleep.
-Choose a comfortable mattress & pillow. Features of a good bed are subjective & differ for each person. But make sure you have a bed that's comfortable.
-Start a relaxing bedtime routine. Do the same things each night to tell your body it's time to wind down. This may include taking a warm bath or shower, reading a book or listening to soothing music
-Go to bed when you're tired & turn out the lights. If you don't fall asleep within 15 or 20 minutes, get up & do something else. Go back to bed when you're tired.
-Use sleeping pills only as a last resort. Check with your doctor before taking any sleep medications.
Friday, May 21, 2010

When: Always on May 20th
Pick Strawberries Day is a sweet, tasty way to enjoy a late spring day. If your mom or dad ever took you picking fresh strawberries, you have a wonderful childhood memory. That memory is what will draw you to enjoy today with your own kids or grandkids! If you've never picked fresh strawberries, you've missed out on the fun. Many of those tasty berries never make it out of the field...... they go straight to your mouth.
For those who have picked strawberries before, get out today and pick some. For those who have never picked them in the field, start a new tradition today! What are you waiting for?..... go now!
1 small bottle Hickory Smoked BBQ sauce
1 1/2 cups strawberry glaze
1 small onion, diced
2 pounds pork roast
1. In a medium skillet on medium high heat, brown the pork roast & saute onions
2. Place pork roast in a crock pot & add rest of the ingredients on top
3. Place on high for 1 hour & turn down to low for 6 hours. Serve on toasted buns
1 pound Beef Brat, 1/2 inch thick
1 small head cabbage, shredded
1/4 cup raspberry balsamic vinegar
1 small onion, diced
1/4 cup strawberry jam
salt & pepper
1. In a large skillet, add the Beef Brat & onion. Saute a little bit & then add rest of ingredients.
2. Cook until cabbage is soft & serve
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
CELEBRITY NIGHT - Raising money for the United Way & Women's Resource Center!
I joined the staff at the Lost Parrot, on Neville St in Beckley for 'Celebrity Night!' ... HAD SO MUCH FUN!!! Some highlights were singing "I'm a little teapot" on the bar for a $25 tip, NOT being able to open the bottles & getting the wrong drink for almost everyone I served!!! NOT AN EASY JOB- but definitely helped a great cause & had a LOT OF FUN!!!
Monday, May 10, 2010

Fiber - Insoluble fiber provides volume to food without adding a lot of calories. Foods rich in insoluble fiber include high fiber cereal, whole wheat bread & wheat bran. Soluble fiber helps stabilize your blood sugar levels, which in turn can better control hunger & cravings.
Juicy Foods - Fruits & veggies with a high water content 'built into the food' helps to fill you up, so you'll eat less collectively throughout the day. Go for watermelon, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, grapefruit & cantaloupe
Lean Protein - Protein can slightly rev your metabolism after ingestion, more so than carbs & fat
Foods that Make You Work - People eat less of the very same foods when they require a bit of work. For example, buy shelled peanuts versus unshelled peanuts & prepare soybeans in the pod versus the straight bean.
Sugarless Gum - Contrary to what people think, sugarless gum does not stimulate your appetite. In fact, it's a great way to give your tast buds a shot of flavor & prevent yourself from popping something caloric in your mouth.
Hot Beverages - Sipping a hot, low-cal beverage is a great way to stave off the extra calories when you're looking to eat out of pure boredom.
Spicy Food - Research has shown that you're often satisfied with less food when the meal is spicy hot. Plus you automatically eat slower & drink more water!!!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
10 BAD 'WILDLIFE' MOTHERS ' .... HEHE be thankful you're not living in the animal kingdom!
With Mother's Day on Sunday May 9th, it's time to reflect on our wonderful memories of our mother & all of the loving & caring things she did for us.
It's also a good time to be thankful that you're not living in the animal kingdom with one of these 10 BAD Mothers!
10. Lioness: When a new male takes over a pride, the mother gives her cubs that are under 2 years of age, over to him & he kills them
9: House Sparrow: This bird will seek out the nest of another female that her partner has also mated with & then kill that female's young to remove the competition
8. Darwin's Frog: The mother lays her eggs & then abandons them, leaving the father responsible for hatching & raising them
7. Giant Pandas: The mother gives birth to litters of one-to-three babies. If more than one is born, the mother chooses only one to raise
6. Cuckoo: The bird lays an egg & then delivers it to another cuckoo's nest for it to raise
5. Dracula Ants: These ants suck the blood from their larvae.
4. Galapagos Shark: These mothers often mistake their young for food & eat them
3. Black Bears: These mothers hope to have a litter, so if she gives birth to only one cub, she abandons it & tries again for more!
2. African Black Eagle: This mother lays 2 eggs, with the 2nd one being an insurance policy in case the first one doesn't hatch. But if both hatch, she lets the older one eat the younger one
1. Langur Monkeys: These mothers have been known to abandon or even kill their young if they get injured or sick
With Mother's Day on Sunday May 9th, it's time to reflect on our wonderful memories of our mother & all of the loving & caring things she did for us.
It's also a good time to be thankful that you're not living in the animal kingdom with one of these 10 BAD Mothers!
10. Lioness: When a new male takes over a pride, the mother gives her cubs that are under 2 years of age, over to him & he kills them
9: House Sparrow: This bird will seek out the nest of another female that her partner has also mated with & then kill that female's young to remove the competition
8. Darwin's Frog: The mother lays her eggs & then abandons them, leaving the father responsible for hatching & raising them
7. Giant Pandas: The mother gives birth to litters of one-to-three babies. If more than one is born, the mother chooses only one to raise
6. Cuckoo: The bird lays an egg & then delivers it to another cuckoo's nest for it to raise
5. Dracula Ants: These ants suck the blood from their larvae.
4. Galapagos Shark: These mothers often mistake their young for food & eat them
3. Black Bears: These mothers hope to have a litter, so if she gives birth to only one cub, she abandons it & tries again for more!
2. African Black Eagle: This mother lays 2 eggs, with the 2nd one being an insurance policy in case the first one doesn't hatch. But if both hatch, she lets the older one eat the younger one
1. Langur Monkeys: These mothers have been known to abandon or even kill their young if they get injured or sick
Mother's Day is this Sunday May 9th - read this Mother's Advice to a Daughter

"Be strong. Be intelligent. Smile.
Know that beauty has everything to do with how you feel about yourself and nothing to do with looks or other people's opinions.
Never do anything just because everyone else is, if you believe it's wrong.
Always be true to yourself.
Expect the best from life and that's what you'll get.
Learn from your mistakes and failures.
Believe in what you believe.
Love and trust and be compassionate.
Make faces. Play in mud puddles. Take bubble baths.
Turn off all the lights and watch lightening storms.
Laugh, cry, and sing when you want to.
Read everything you can get your hands on.
Stand up for what is right especially if you stand alone.
Don't allow yourself or people around you to tolerate prejudices of any kind.
Don't be afraid to try something new.
Do something active at least once a week.
Run through snow drifts.
Spin in circles and roll down hills.
Pet puppies, hold kittens, and talk to babies.
Take afternoon naps. Stay up to watch the sunrise.
Never apologize for being a woman or for being yourself.
Never forget that I love you more than any other person in the world, no matter how far apart we are you will always be my daughter."
Author Unknown
Monday, May 3, 2010
M&M's - Mother's Day

10 Special Ways to Honor Your Mother on Mother's Day!
The dilemna of how to honor mom starts weeks before the big day. We're slammed with ads & other reminders showing us how to show mum how much we love & value her by buying her jewelry, flowers, candy or a nice dinner in a favorite restaurant. Mother's don't need or want 'things' to feel appreciated. What they want is what they have given to us all along: unconditional love
Here are some ways to show the important women in your life what they mean to you not just once a year but everyday.
1. Say 'I love you' often
2. Make a surprise visit
3. Make her laugh
4. Cook her favorite food
5. Watch a movie together
6. Take a long walk
7. Call her, for no special reason
8. Send her a handwritten note
9. Frame & give a photo of you and mom
10. Thank her for guiding you & helping you become who you are
2006 Mother's Day Spending, Total
$1.27 billion Clothing or clothing accessories
$2.14 billion Jewelry
$1.98 billion Flowers
$536 million Books or CD's
$682 million Greeting Cards
$1.26 billion Gift Certificate
$563 million Electronics
$489 million Housewares or Gardening Tools
$928 million Personal service, such as a day at a spa, a facial or a massage
$2.83 billion Special outing, such as dinner or brunch
$1.15 billion other
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
I LOVE FISHING ... I've only ever caught about 5 fish in my whole FISHING career, but I truely LOVE IT! ... it's relaxing, it's outdoorsy & can be challenging ... However my idea of 'fishing' is probably different from other people's. First of all I couldn't care less whether or not I catch anything, secondly I prefer to sit and not move around too much & lastly it means I can buy a new book or magazine ... yeah, I 'read' the whole time. I'm always so busy with life, friends etc that I never have a chance to just sit and READ ... except when I fish!!! Boy Wonder & I went to the river last weekend & I have to say I had the most enjoyable afternoon and I got caught up on Cosmo, Glamor and US Weekly! Didn't catch anything though!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
M&M's - Take a Walk in the Park Day!

M&M's - Take a Walk in the Park Day
10,000 Steps a Day
How many steps do you walk each day?
Maybe you have heard the recent guidelines about walking 10,000 steps per day. How far is 10,000 steps anyway? The average person's stride length is approximately 2.5 feet long. That means it takes just over 2,000 steps to walk one mile, & 10,000 steps is close to 5 miles.
Walking 10,000 steps per day for health & weight loss was popularized orginially in Japan. For most people 10,000 steps per day is around 5 miles worth of walking during the day. Unless you have an active job such as a waitress or nurse, it would be difficult to log that by daily activity. Most people achieve it by one or more sustained walks or runs, equivalent to 30-60 minutes or more of walking per day. That equals the minimum daily exercise recommendation.
A reasonable goal for most people is to increase average daily steps each week by 500 per day until you can easily average 10,000 per day.
Wearing a pedometer is an easy way to track your steps each day. Start by wearing the pedometer every day for one week.You might be surprised how many (or how few) steps you get in each day. There are many ways to increase your daily steps. Use your imagination, here's a list to get you started!
-take a walk with your spouse, child or friend
-walk the dog
-use the stairs instead of the elevator
-park farther from the store
-better yet, walk to the store
-get up to change the channel
-window shop
-plan a walking meeting
-walk over to visit a neighbor
-get outside to walk around the garden or do a little weeding
Continue to track your daily steps and/or mileage & keep notes on how you feel, how your body is improving, or other changes you are making to improve your health.
A person who walks 10,000 steps a day will burn between 2000 & 3500 extra calories per week, which will result in achieving a vastly better health profile & a longer lifespan
Monday, March 29, 2010
Pic 1 - My friend Chasity, Boy Wonder, Me
Pic 2 - Matt Jones singing the National Anthem
Pic 3 - Me & Chasity
Pic 4 & 5 - yep that's how close we were!
I am always a little nervous going to Toughman. Nervous mainly because of where I sit. I get to sit ringside, and I'm always a little paranoid, due to the fact that I can't stand the sight of blood and most things totally gross me out! So being in close proximity of sweat, spit & the grossest of grossest BLOOD, I have to admit I get a little squeamish ... In saying that I actually enjoyed myself immensely at this year's Toughman competition!! I also realized that I'm a lucky girl, when I learned the next day that the poor person that got my seat (we left a lil early) actually got sprayed with blood, 2 minutes after we left - yuck!!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
- Aaron Kelly, a contestant on American Idol, is STILL smiling after being mentored on American Idol by Miley Cyrus. He says 'Miley is soooooo down to Earth'
- Jo Dee Messina will release 3 EP's in 2010, the first one on April 27th. 'Unmistakable: Love' will have 7 new songs as well as acoustic cuts of 'Because You Love Me' and 'Stand Beside Me'. The other 2 EP's are expected later in the year
- Brooks & Dunn have been making music for over 20 years together, so it has to difficult to choose which song to perform at the Academy of Country Music Awards. So Kix & Ronnie are letting fans make the decision for them! Fans can vote for which song they want to hear at the ACM's at
- The Iowa State Fair is coming together. And Keith Urban, Sugarland & Darius Rucker & Sheryl Crow will all be peforming. The Iowa State Fair is a BIG one, more than 1 million people attend each year!
- Aaron Kelly, a contestant on American Idol, is STILL smiling after being mentored on American Idol by Miley Cyrus. He says 'Miley is soooooo down to Earth'
- Jo Dee Messina will release 3 EP's in 2010, the first one on April 27th. 'Unmistakable: Love' will have 7 new songs as well as acoustic cuts of 'Because You Love Me' and 'Stand Beside Me'. The other 2 EP's are expected later in the year
- Brooks & Dunn have been making music for over 20 years together, so it has to difficult to choose which song to perform at the Academy of Country Music Awards. So Kix & Ronnie are letting fans make the decision for them! Fans can vote for which song they want to hear at the ACM's at
- The Iowa State Fair is coming together. And Keith Urban, Sugarland & Darius Rucker & Sheryl Crow will all be peforming. The Iowa State Fair is a BIG one, more than 1 million people attend each year!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Thursday March 25
Sean of Polychrome @ Lost Parrot in Beckley WV
Jeff Ellis @ The Empty Glass in Charleston WV
Friday March 26
Atomic Joe Reunion Concert @ Lost Parrot in Beckley WV
The Fox Hunt @ The Purple Fiddle in Thomas WV
Felon @ Rezans in Fayetteville WV
The Davisson Brothers Band @ Winstons Bar & Grill in Fairmont WV
The Cat Daddys @ The Tractor Bar in Mt. Nebo WV
Saturday March 27
Jason Mitchell & the Remedy @ Lost Parrot in Beckley WV
Jeff Ellis @ V-Club in Huntington WV
Option 22 @ The All Together Arts Week Kickoff Event in Bluefield WV
Spectacle @ Cantrells in Fayetteville WV
Center Street @ Smokey's on the Gorge in Lansing WV
Old School Abbey @ The Empty Glass in Charleston WV
Thursday March 25
Sean of Polychrome @ Lost Parrot in Beckley WV
Jeff Ellis @ The Empty Glass in Charleston WV
Friday March 26
Atomic Joe Reunion Concert @ Lost Parrot in Beckley WV
The Fox Hunt @ The Purple Fiddle in Thomas WV
Felon @ Rezans in Fayetteville WV
The Davisson Brothers Band @ Winstons Bar & Grill in Fairmont WV
The Cat Daddys @ The Tractor Bar in Mt. Nebo WV
Saturday March 27
Jason Mitchell & the Remedy @ Lost Parrot in Beckley WV
Jeff Ellis @ V-Club in Huntington WV
Option 22 @ The All Together Arts Week Kickoff Event in Bluefield WV
Spectacle @ Cantrells in Fayetteville WV
Center Street @ Smokey's on the Gorge in Lansing WV
Old School Abbey @ The Empty Glass in Charleston WV
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
M&M'S - National Nutrition Month
- a unit of energy-producing potential supplied by food & released upon oxidation by the body
- Your BODY is a machine
- Food is fuel
- Activity & Exercise burns fuel
- Total intake must equal total output
- The KEY to successful long term weight management is BALANCE
- Dieting can make you fat
- You can eat too little which can Decrease LMB & Metabolism
- TOTAL CALORIES = Portion Size
- Don't focus on good or bad foods
- You can eat anything in moderation
- Try to make smarter & healthier choices
- This diet basically means if it didn't exist 100 years ago, then don't eat it!
- This diet means the closer the food is to the ground (dirt) they better off you are eating it!
- Calories - units of heat or kilocalories
- Macronutrients- protein, carbohydrates, fats
- Micronutrietnts - vitamins, minerals
- Fats - saturated, unsaturated
There are 365 days in a year. Take the holidays off and call it 350. To lose (or gain) 10 pounds only takes a 100 calorie difference a day
Activity in 100 Calories -
Cycling - 10 minutes
Video Workout - 10 minutes
Walking - 15 minutes
Housework - 20 minutes
Washing the car - 20 minutes
Gardening - 25 minutes
Dancing - 20 minutes
Stairs - 15 minutes
Mowing the lawn - 20 minutes
Shoveling the driveway - 15 minutes
- a unit of energy-producing potential supplied by food & released upon oxidation by the body
- Your BODY is a machine
- Food is fuel
- Activity & Exercise burns fuel
- Total intake must equal total output
- The KEY to successful long term weight management is BALANCE
- Dieting can make you fat
- You can eat too little which can Decrease LMB & Metabolism
- TOTAL CALORIES = Portion Size
- Don't focus on good or bad foods
- You can eat anything in moderation
- Try to make smarter & healthier choices
- This diet basically means if it didn't exist 100 years ago, then don't eat it!
- This diet means the closer the food is to the ground (dirt) they better off you are eating it!
- Calories - units of heat or kilocalories
- Macronutrients- protein, carbohydrates, fats
- Micronutrietnts - vitamins, minerals
- Fats - saturated, unsaturated
There are 365 days in a year. Take the holidays off and call it 350. To lose (or gain) 10 pounds only takes a 100 calorie difference a day
Activity in 100 Calories -
Cycling - 10 minutes
Video Workout - 10 minutes
Walking - 15 minutes
Housework - 20 minutes
Washing the car - 20 minutes
Gardening - 25 minutes
Dancing - 20 minutes
Stairs - 15 minutes
Mowing the lawn - 20 minutes
Shoveling the driveway - 15 minutes
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
deathtrap, half-finished gift & annoying person in photo
Pic 1 - me and one of my best friends Jamie
Pic 2 - Boy Wonder, me , Jamie & David
Pic 3 - I'm attempting an 'annoying person in photo pose'
Pic 4 - me, Lady Gaga & Drew Barrymore from the movie 'Grey Gardens'
Pic 5 - me and Boy Wonder
Did you have a good weekend? - talk about some BEAUTIFUL weather - I LOVE THE SUNSHINE ... I had a super fun weekend of plays, oscar partys and scrapbooking ... yeah it was quite the arts & crafts weekend ... we went to a Dinner Theatre Friday night, which is pretty much Dinner & Theatre ... you sit down and have a fancy Dinner with soup, salad, a main course & dessert ... we sat down at a table of strangers which is always fun, but I introduced myself & Boy Wonder and next thing you know we were talking up a storm ... infact we were the last to get into the theatre after dinner because we were chatting away with our table - I just love good dinner conversation! We then watched the play Deathtrap. It was great and we had a few friends in the play and I JUST LOVE LIVE THEATRE ...
Then Saturday I had a fairly lazy day as Boy Wonder went skiing with the boys and I'm still recovering from slipping on the ice a few weeks back, so I opted to stay home. I decided to continue with my scrapbooking. I had made a scrapbook for Boy Wonder for his 30th birthday and well scrapbooking is hard & takes a LONG time, so I had to give it to him half finished! Horrible I know, but he loved it nonetheless. So I continued printing off pictures to put in the book and arranging pages. I actually enjoy it alot. Never thought I'd be the 'scrapbooking' type of girl but I am, so there.
Sunday ofcourse was the Oscars & we went to an 'Oscar Party'. I've never been to an 'Oscar Party' so I didn't really know what to expect. All I can say is too much fun! I can't wait for my next 'Oscar's Party' ... First of all you get to dress up, which I don't really need an excuse for! Second you get to fill out the 'ballot' form - which means you get to pick who you think is going to win and if you get a money pool going, you may even win money! (I didn't win anything). And thirdly you spend the whole evening trying to figure out who everyone is dressed up as, which by the way I'm usually way off with! What a blast! Sadly I didn't get a costume together in time, but I got to wear one of my favorite dresses and my 'character' became the annoying person that is in every single Oscar photo but noone actually knows who they are ...
M&M's - International Women's Day - How to juggle your career, worklife & parenthood
Many people have a common misconception that everyone else is managing their roles and responsibilities just fine and that they are the only ones who can’t figure out how to do it.
1. Lose the guilt.
Much has written on how to better organize your time, as if the right calendar/organizer would make it possible for you to fit everything in. In fact, you can’t do it all in the same way you would if you were only doing one or two of your roles.
Here are some things to think about as you work to figure out your juggling act.
1. Prioritize. Before you try to come up with solutions, it is essential that you spend some time reflecting on all that you are doing. It would be useful to have all of these discussions with your partner.
2. Explore options. Take a look at everything you are doing, the number of hours you are working, the other responsibilities you have taken on, the demands of the house and of course,Are there ways to cut back for a year or two? Do you have any other resources available?It is also important to look at various work options. Could you or your partner change your work schedule or the number of hours you work? Would it be possible to do some part of your work from home? Think through many different possible scenarios and try to figure out if any are doable.
3. Share the load. Men’s participation in home and family has increased significantly in the last 20 years. However, statistically, the number of hours employed women spend on parenting and housework still greatly exceed the number of hours that men spend doing the same tasks. This doesn’t necessarily mean that men are unwilling or uninterested. Many women feel ambivalent about sharing the caring. They may feel as if their expertise is being threatened by sharing more equally with their partners. Many women find themselves being critical of the efforts of the other parent in relation to household tasks and parenting. Many partners feel hesitant to pitch-in for fear of being “inadequate.” It is important to look carefully at the division of labor in your family. Is it working optimally for both of you or could it be shifted? How could it be shared more equitably? Are there adjustments both parents need to make in order for it to happen?
4. Combine tasks. Some of your many tasks can be combined. Sometimes the activities will take longer, doing them together, but will be well worth the effort.
5. Enjoy quality time. Remember also, that it is important for you to have some family time where you are focusing simply on self or partner.
6. Simplify.
7. Remember, it's a balancing act. Most parents never find a moment in which they feel perfectly caught up on all the things they expect themselves to do. If you consider this a normal state you can learn to relax about it. Balance isn’t something you necessarily find, it is something you are always moving towards. One week you will get lots of good things done at work and the house will be a wreck. The next week, you will leave work early to spend some extra time catching up and hanging out at home. The following week, you might arrange a time for yourself to exercise, but you have to leave your desk a mess and the dishes undone. Balance doesn’t happen in any one instant, but it can happen in the long run.
1. Lose the guilt.
Much has written on how to better organize your time, as if the right calendar/organizer would make it possible for you to fit everything in. In fact, you can’t do it all in the same way you would if you were only doing one or two of your roles.
Here are some things to think about as you work to figure out your juggling act.
1. Prioritize. Before you try to come up with solutions, it is essential that you spend some time reflecting on all that you are doing. It would be useful to have all of these discussions with your partner.
2. Explore options. Take a look at everything you are doing, the number of hours you are working, the other responsibilities you have taken on, the demands of the house and of course,Are there ways to cut back for a year or two? Do you have any other resources available?It is also important to look at various work options. Could you or your partner change your work schedule or the number of hours you work? Would it be possible to do some part of your work from home? Think through many different possible scenarios and try to figure out if any are doable.
3. Share the load. Men’s participation in home and family has increased significantly in the last 20 years. However, statistically, the number of hours employed women spend on parenting and housework still greatly exceed the number of hours that men spend doing the same tasks. This doesn’t necessarily mean that men are unwilling or uninterested. Many women feel ambivalent about sharing the caring. They may feel as if their expertise is being threatened by sharing more equally with their partners. Many women find themselves being critical of the efforts of the other parent in relation to household tasks and parenting. Many partners feel hesitant to pitch-in for fear of being “inadequate.” It is important to look carefully at the division of labor in your family. Is it working optimally for both of you or could it be shifted? How could it be shared more equitably? Are there adjustments both parents need to make in order for it to happen?
4. Combine tasks. Some of your many tasks can be combined. Sometimes the activities will take longer, doing them together, but will be well worth the effort.
5. Enjoy quality time. Remember also, that it is important for you to have some family time where you are focusing simply on self or partner.
6. Simplify.
7. Remember, it's a balancing act. Most parents never find a moment in which they feel perfectly caught up on all the things they expect themselves to do. If you consider this a normal state you can learn to relax about it. Balance isn’t something you necessarily find, it is something you are always moving towards. One week you will get lots of good things done at work and the house will be a wreck. The next week, you will leave work early to spend some extra time catching up and hanging out at home. The following week, you might arrange a time for yourself to exercise, but you have to leave your desk a mess and the dishes undone. Balance doesn’t happen in any one instant, but it can happen in the long run.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
What do the Stars get in their BAGS at the Oscars?
Wondering what the stars at the Oscars get in their bag? Check out the list...
o Gourmet artisan chocolates $5000
o A Tiffany crystal-studded cat collar and an assortment of Fancy Feast cat food.
o A Serta mattress
o The Oral-B Pulsonic electric toothbrush
o A $4,000 limited edition luxury Leather Travel Bag from Victorinox.
o Private island vacation at the Turks & Caicos Sporting Club
o Four nights at the luxurious Lion Sands Private Game Reserve in South Africa for up to 8 adults and 8 kids, a $45,000 value.
o Four nights in a seaside suite at the Monte Carlo Beach Hotel in Monaco, worth $14,500
o DeLea Signature Perfume Oil
o A $7,000 three-night all-inclusive rustic getaway to Winvian Luxury Hotel in Litchfield Connecticut
o AG Hair Cosmetics deluxe Colour Savour gift set
o special access online shopping cards $20,000
o Professional dog studio photography package from Otis & Lucy
o BlueFox Extreme Bluetooth headset
o An “Exclusively Scandinavian Gift Basket”
o A year’s supply of Altoids Smalls
o The Pig Board from Snout a Pig
o Modern Meditations CD sets
o Ila DUSK personal security alarm
o iFLY indoor skydiving experience
o A personal paper shredder from GoECOlife
o Herbalife Nutritional Products
o Assortment of all-natural designer dog toys, bowls and leashes from Petprojekt
o All-natural dog snacks from Wellpet
o WooLoot sport watches
o La Peau Couture Organic Wrinkle Diminishing Serum (priced at $499 per jar)
o Slimware portion-control dinner plates
o WooLoot sport watches
o La Peau Couture Organic Wrinkle Diminishing Serum (priced at $499 per jar)
o Slimware portion-control dinner plates
o 10 personal training sessions from Huntley Drive Fitness
o One week all-inclusive fitness bootcamp from Live In Fitness Enterprise
o Gourmet artisan chocolates $5000
o A Tiffany crystal-studded cat collar and an assortment of Fancy Feast cat food.
o A Serta mattress
o The Oral-B Pulsonic electric toothbrush
o A $4,000 limited edition luxury Leather Travel Bag from Victorinox.
o Private island vacation at the Turks & Caicos Sporting Club
o Four nights at the luxurious Lion Sands Private Game Reserve in South Africa for up to 8 adults and 8 kids, a $45,000 value.
o Four nights in a seaside suite at the Monte Carlo Beach Hotel in Monaco, worth $14,500
o DeLea Signature Perfume Oil
o A $7,000 three-night all-inclusive rustic getaway to Winvian Luxury Hotel in Litchfield Connecticut
o AG Hair Cosmetics deluxe Colour Savour gift set
o special access online shopping cards $20,000
o Professional dog studio photography package from Otis & Lucy
o BlueFox Extreme Bluetooth headset
o An “Exclusively Scandinavian Gift Basket”
o A year’s supply of Altoids Smalls
o The Pig Board from Snout a Pig
o Modern Meditations CD sets
o Ila DUSK personal security alarm
o iFLY indoor skydiving experience
o A personal paper shredder from GoECOlife
o Herbalife Nutritional Products
o Assortment of all-natural designer dog toys, bowls and leashes from Petprojekt
o All-natural dog snacks from Wellpet
o WooLoot sport watches
o La Peau Couture Organic Wrinkle Diminishing Serum (priced at $499 per jar)
o Slimware portion-control dinner plates
o WooLoot sport watches
o La Peau Couture Organic Wrinkle Diminishing Serum (priced at $499 per jar)
o Slimware portion-control dinner plates
o 10 personal training sessions from Huntley Drive Fitness
o One week all-inclusive fitness bootcamp from Live In Fitness Enterprise
Friday, March 5, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Project Stormforce - Wed March 3rd
Project Stormforce
Power Mornings Forecast - Today Snow Showers HIGH 30
2 Hour Delay
MSU Academy
Mercer Christian Academy
Victory Baptist Academy
Greater Beckley Christian
Mountain View Christian
Seneca Trail Christian
Trinity Christian Academy
St. Francis de Sales
1 Hour Delay
Westminster Preschool
Power Mornings Forecast - Today Snow Showers HIGH 30
2 Hour Delay
MSU Academy
Mercer Christian Academy
Victory Baptist Academy
Greater Beckley Christian
Mountain View Christian
Seneca Trail Christian
Trinity Christian Academy
St. Francis de Sales
1 Hour Delay
Westminster Preschool
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
M&M's - Guidelines for Curbing Video Games
Guidelines for Curbing Video Games ...
1. Set an example. Kids learn from their parents.
2. Be prepared to endure a battle of wills, and remember, you will win the battle if you are committed to it.
3. Set guidelines for curbing video game playing, such as allowing a period of play each evening only after schoolwork and household responsibilities are finished.
4. Offer the child options, such as outdoor activities, clubs, and hobby activities.
5. Provide the resources needed for alternate activities. If you want to encourage your child to spend time drawing, have paper and materials there. If the bike has a flat, or the skateboard is broken, your child may think video games is the only entertainment option.
6. Help your child interact with other children in the neighborhood. While most video games have a multiplayer option, other activities such as basketball, soccer, and many other sports make interaction and teamwork key.
7. Pick systems and games that encourage or require standing and moving vs. sitting and moving only your fingers
8. Another option is to let your child earn "credits" towards playing video games for improving grades and doing extra chores.
9. Consider eliminating purchases of more video games to allow the child's interest to die a natural death. People, children especially, tend to get bored with activities that don't change over a long period of time.
1. Set an example. Kids learn from their parents.
2. Be prepared to endure a battle of wills, and remember, you will win the battle if you are committed to it.
3. Set guidelines for curbing video game playing, such as allowing a period of play each evening only after schoolwork and household responsibilities are finished.
4. Offer the child options, such as outdoor activities, clubs, and hobby activities.
5. Provide the resources needed for alternate activities. If you want to encourage your child to spend time drawing, have paper and materials there. If the bike has a flat, or the skateboard is broken, your child may think video games is the only entertainment option.
6. Help your child interact with other children in the neighborhood. While most video games have a multiplayer option, other activities such as basketball, soccer, and many other sports make interaction and teamwork key.
7. Pick systems and games that encourage or require standing and moving vs. sitting and moving only your fingers
8. Another option is to let your child earn "credits" towards playing video games for improving grades and doing extra chores.
9. Consider eliminating purchases of more video games to allow the child's interest to die a natural death. People, children especially, tend to get bored with activities that don't change over a long period of time.

For Valentines Day my boyfriend took me up to Snowshoe for the weekend .... WITH 6 OTHER COUPLES!!! ... I had the best time ever!!!!! We all rented a HUGE cabin and spent the weekend skiing, snowboarding, sitting in the hot tub (while it was snowing on our heads!), shopping, tubing and hanging out with some great people .. BEST.TIME.EVER! Here's a few pics of all of us!
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